Thursday, October 16, 2014

31 Days of Horror - 2014: Day 16 House 2: The Second Story

House wasn't that bad, it wasn't very good, but...I feel like it was sort of a horror film.  House 2: The Second Story isn't a horror film, and it is bad.

The film barely shares anything with the first film other than it happens in a house with some sort of ability to travel to another dimension is. The characters aren't very good, and there are a bunch of subplots that don't fit.

There are 2 other House films, House 3 which is even less connected to the other House films, and House IV which apparently is the true sequel to House (or maybe House 2). I won't find out.


ncapp said...

I watched them all. Absolutely do not check out the others. I though Ratzenberger was ok in this...

Paul Toohey said...

Even with the thought that #3 isn't in the true continuity of the House films...I'm not going to give it a try.

Paul Toohey said...

Even with the thought that #3 isn't in the true continuity of the House films...I'm not going to give it a try.